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Sci Total Environ ; 928: 172370, 2024 Jun 10.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38604367


There is a cross-disciplinary link between air pollution, climate crisis, and sustainable lifestyle as they are the most complex struggles of the present century. This review takes an in-depth look at this relationship, considering carbon dioxide emissions primarily from the burning of fossil fuels as the main contributor to global warming and focusing on primary SLCPs such as methane and ground-level ozone. Such pollutants severely alter the climate through the generation of greenhouse gases. The discussion is extensive and includes best practices from conventional pollution control technologies to hi-tech alternatives, including electric vehicles, the use of renewables, and green decentralized solutions. It also addresses policy matters, such as imposing stricter emissions standards, setting stronger environmental regulations, and rethinking some economic measures. Besides that, new developments such as congestion charges, air ionization, solar-assisted cleaning systems, and photocatalytic materials are among the products discussed. These strategies differ in relation to the local conditions and therefore exhibit a varying effectiveness level, but they remain evident as a tool of pollution deterrence. This stresses the importance of holistic and inclusive approach in terms of engineering, policies, stakeholders, and ecological spheres to tackle.
